Combo: Prefold & Bambo Disposables

Sale price Price $180.00 Regular price

Most families aren't able to cloth diaper 100% of the time. We created this subscription to make it easier for families that want to cloth diaper part time and use disposables part time. 

We selected Bambo disposable diapers because their brand is one of the cleaner manufacturers of disposable diapers and they are intentional about making a disposable diaper with less negative environmental impact and less harmful chemicals. 

You will receive one package of Bambo disposable diaper per week and the remaining amount will be prefold cloth diapers. 

The cost is $45.00 per week. This will be be billed every four weeks. 

Includes 6 diaper covers, 2 Snappi's, and 1 laundry bag in addition to the diapers.

Example of what your weekly delivery may look like based on the amount of disposables in a package and how many diapers per week babies typically need: 

Size 1: One package of 28 disposables and ~42 cloth diapers = 70 diapers per week

Size 2: One package of 30 disposables and ~30 cloth diapers = 60 diapers per week

Size 3: One package of 33 disposables and ~17 cloth diapers = 50 diapers per week

Size 4: One package of 30 disposables and ~10 cloth diapers = 40 diapers per week 

We are happy to adjust these amounts based on your family's usage needs.